Нова українська школа
Впровадження пілотного проекту нового стандарту початкової освіти розпочалося з 1 вересня 2017-2018 навчального року. Чортківська загальноосвітня школа I-III ст.№7 Тернопільськоі обл. разом з вчителями 100 шкіл Украіни взяли участь в пілотному проекті "Нова Украінська школа", здійснений у співпраці Міністерства освіти науки Украіни та Британською Радою в Украіні у партнерстві з Cambridge University Press та Cambridge Language Assessment.
Основною метою Новоі Украінськоі школи є" перехід від школи,де напихають знаннями до школи компетентностей ХХІст.,тобто вміння використовувати власні знання для власних та професійних завдань."(Ліля Гриневич, Міністр освіти науки Украіни)
Курси вчителів англійськоі мови, організовані British Council |
Змінюються форми діяльності. Широко використрвуються методи викладання,засновані на співпраці: групові завдання(робота в групах, в парах), ігри, соціальні та дослідницькі проекти. Основною метою навчання іноземноі мови - практичне використання мови.
New Ukrainian School - School for life
Chortkiv Comprehensive school №7 in Ternopil region took part in the New Ukrainian School Pilot Project with 200 teachers of English from 100 Ukrainian schools in 2017-2018 school year.This project is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the British Councilin Ukraine,Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Language Assessment.
In 2018-2019,after adopting the new Law of Education the New Ukrainian School reform will exexpand toall 17,088 schools in Ukraine.
"Communication in foreign languages " was identified to be as one of the 10 key competencies of new educational standard of the New Ukrainian School,and is based on recomendations of the Europian Parliament and of the Europian Council.
What is the most important focus is to develop 21st century competencies:
- intercultural awareness;
- critical thinking;
- autonomous learning;
- communication;
- cooperation;
- creativity;
- ICT literacy;
- personal and social responsibility.
What is the most important focus is to develop 21st century competencies:
- intercultural awareness;
- critical thinking;
- autonomous learning;
- communication;
- cooperation;
- creativity;
- ICT literacy;
- personal and social responsibility.
Intercultural awareness
Intercultural awareness means learning language with deeper understanding of the target language culture as well.
Critical thinking
Learners should be encouraged to think for themselves, solve problems, make decisions and express their opinion. To achieve it teacher can use different activities with pictures, photoes,films,games,role plays,which help learnes enhance their critical thinking skills.
Autonomous learning
Learners should be able to take responsibility for their own learning in order to be successful inside or outside the classroom. The material is designed that allows learners to set their goals, check their progress and look for opportunities to practise outside the classroom.
Communication means expressing oneself, building confidence in English communication skills,exchanging ideas with others, as well as presenting one's work. It's achieved by possitive atmosphere, children's natural sense of fun ,through the use ofsongs,rhymes, stories and games, through a variety of motivated activities.
Cooperation creates opportunities for achievement and promotes a positive self-concept.Learners working in pairs and groups offer help to each other and this facilitates the achievement of their goals. Further to this cooperation promotes polite behaviour and respect towards others, which are important social skills.
Creativity is an important skill in real life. Learners become more motivated if they can create something own or a group project, presentations.
ICT literacy
Nowadays, it is vitual for learners to use technological aids(e.g. Student's CD, Interactive Whiteboard, CD ROM) to their advantages.
Personal and social responsibility
Students should understand that one of their roles is being active members of their community.
So, teachers should keep children engaged in the education process.
" Three ways of teaching:
1) We need to have an open mind.
2) We feel responsible for our job.
3) We do everything with the whole heart."
Simon Eterton,British Council Project in Ukraine, 2017-2018
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