Творча майстерня

Конспект уроку
Тема. People and Environment.

Тема уроку: Написання есе про екологічні проблеми мого міста.

Мета: навчити учнів писати есе про екологічні проблеми рідного міста, активізувати лексичний матеріал по темі, вдосконалювати  вміння вживати речення the Second Conditional; розвивати навики  аудіювання, читання, говоріння та письма, логічне мислення, формувати соціальну та громадську компетентності,  активну соціальну позицію, уміння висловлювати свої думки;  виховувати бережливе та економне ставлення до навколишнього середовища.
Обладнання: підручник,робочий зошит, роздатковий матеріал, фото рідного міста.
                                      ХІД УРОКУ
I.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
Greeting   1.Привітання.
Aim          2.Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Look at the pictures on the blackboard  and guess what topic of the lesson will be.
 T: Yes, we are going to talk and write an essay about ecological problems in our town.
Warm-up     3.Уведення в  іншомовну атмосферу.
Work in groups of 4. Brainstorming.
T: Arrange in the group of 4 and your task is to fill the spider-gram about ecological problems of our town and the ways of solutions. You can use words from Ex.1 p.81
Suggestions of Ps: Water pollution-to improve recycling equipment, ban factories from throwing dangerous liquid into the river; air pollution- to encourage people to use public transport or bikes; high level of radiation- to plant trees in the local park, to ban people from burning leaves; unemployment-to create job  vacancies, to organize learning courses.
1.          Speaking. Role- play.
T: Imagine that you are the mayor of our town. What would you do to improve the situation in Chortkiv if you were the mayor? Start sentences with the words If  I were the mayor of our town I would…

II Основна частина уроку
1.     Читання.
А) Pre-reading activity.
T: We live on the Earth. It’s our home. People around the world face the same ecological problems and think how to improve them. We should think about future of our planet. We are going to read the Amy’s essay. Pay attention to the form of essay.
B) While-reading activity.
T: Read the text and answer the questions. What ecological problems exist in Amy’s town? Which of her ideas do you like best? Why?
C) Post-reading activity.
Виконання  післятекстових  завдань. (Ex.3 p.81)
Which three problems from Ex.1 does Amy write about? How many solutions does she suggest for each one.
2. Presentation. Ознайомлення з правилами написання есе.
T: Everybody of you have the plan of writing essay and the list of useful language.( flash-cards)
Introduction    state topic (3 main problems)
Main body        write the solution of these problems
Conclusion        restate topic and your opinion
Useful language
Firstly, secondly, thirdly.
If I were mayor of our town, I would…
Secondly, moreover, the third, however , also…
In my opinion,..  In conclusion…
To sum up,.. I believe…
I (strongly) disagree…

T: A text consists of 3 main parts: an introduction, a main body and a conclusion.
We usually introduce the subject and state the problems in the introduction.
e.g.  Firstly, there are a lot of unemployed people in our town. Secondly, there is much litter on the streets. Thirdly, the quality of water is horrible.
The main body consists of all the necessary information in a logical order.
e.g. If I were the mayor of our town, I would organize some courses for young people. Secondly, I would provide more bins in the streets and check the work of cleaning company. However, I would make local factories to improve recycling technology. Therefore, I would ban factories from throwing dangerous liquid into the Seret.
In conclusion, we sum up the essay and restate our personal opinion.
e.g. In conclusion, I strongly believe these suggestions would improve the life of our town. Our future is in our hands.
3. Writing. (Ex.4,7 p.81)
T: In which paragraph (1-3) of her essay does Amy..?
Work in pairs. Plan your answer to the essay task in exercise 2. Choose three problems and possible solutions and write down your essay. (Checking pupils’ essay) Could you present your own essay, please?

III Заключна частина уроку
Homework      1. Домашнє  завдання.
T: Your homework will be to write an essay using notes from your copybooks and to create your own presentation as a mayor of our town. (Ex.8 p.81)
Summarizing   2.Підбиття підсумків уроку.
T: What interesting have you learnt today? What impressed you most of all? What would you do if you were an English language teacher? See you. Take care.

  Відео  урок   Lesson " My body" (1-A)


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Фото Другий дім - це сьома школа.

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